How to share it with a virtual friend:
Once you’re in, you will see a ‘Share’ button which, when clicked, will provide an automated message and link. You can then choose to send this link to however many friends you like (via whichever messenger app you want!):
“Hey, use my link to sign up to Octopus Electroverse & we both get charging credit! [Link]”
What to do when your friend is standing next to you:
On this page, a QR code will also be provided, allowing your fellow EV driver to simply open their camera on their phone and scan it to start the referral process!
Once the referral has been made, two things will need to happen before you can receive the £10 split charging credit:
Your friend will need to sign up to the Electroverse and make their first successful charge.
You will need to complete a successful charge too (make sure this is after your referral!).