Tell us about yourselves! Where did the idea for the Pole to Pole journey originate?
We’re Chris and Julie Ramsey, a husband-and-wife team from Aberdeen, Scotland, who are passionate EV owners. We’ve spent over a decade pushing the boundaries to show just how fun, capable, and exciting electric vehicles can be. Our first EV was a 24kWh Nissan Leaf back in 2014, with a range of just 65–70 miles per charge—pretty limited by today’s standards!
Chris, a lifelong car enthusiast, was immediately drawn to EV technology. His first adventure? Driving the Leaf across the UK capitals—Aberdeen to Edinburgh, then London, Cardiff, and back. With hardly any public charging stations at the time, everyone thought he was out of his mind. But Chris and his friends loved the thrill and challenge, and that sparked more EV adventures—each one bigger than the last, taking us across Europe and beyond.
Our most notable journeys include the 2017 Mongol Rally—a 10,000-mile trek from London to Siberia, marking the first time anyone completed it in an EV. And, of course, our biggest challenge yet: the 2023 Pole to Pole expedition. We set out from the Magnetic North Pole in the Canadian Arctic, crossing 14 countries and three continents, and covering over 21,000 miles to reach the Geographic South Pole in Antarctica. People thought we were crazy again, but we’ve learned that the “impossible” is only so until you try.