EV drivers who don’t have off-road parking or private driveways can face a challenge when it comes to charging.
Kerbside charging is the obvious solution, and currently, almost 70% of on-street charge points are lamppost chargers, so what’s next?
The push for electric lamppost charging isn’t over yet, in fact, it is rapidly expanding! Just last year Ubitricity announced that it would be installing over 1,000 charging stations directly on street lamp posts. Brighton and Hove are also set to benefit with over 100 new lamppost chargers set to be installed soon.
Another solution to charging kerbside that doesn’t interfere with the landscape, pedestrians or cause accessibility issues? Pop-up chargers!
These innovative charge points are designed to lay flush with the footpath so that they don’t create a hazard. You may not even know it’s there until a user activates one and the charging portion of the device raises out of the ground! Pop-up kerbside chargers have been trialled globally with substantial success: