August 2022
|Last updated:
February 2025

How to use the Octopus Electroverse app

How to use the Electroverse App Oct 24 New Splash Screen

Whether you're a tech whizz or you confuse swiping left for swiping right, every app is different, so we've created this step-by-step guide to help explain how best to use the Electroverse app and which features do what.

Let’s get plugged in…


Searching and Charger Information

To search for chargers in a specific area, tap the search bar at the top of the screen and type in the desired location. Once entered, the map will take you to the correct location - if you don’t immediately see a charging pin, zoom out by pinching two fingers outwards on your phone screen.

To see more information about the charging station, just tap on the charging pin. Here you’ll be able to see whether the charging station is available, uses green energy, any parking restrictions or facilities, operator support information, and how to access the charge point (RFID, contactless, plug and charge).

information icon

You can also view and add photos from the charging information tab! Scroll through and view community members uploads or if there are none you can add some for the next user! By uploading a photo you could be in with a chance to win credit in our monthly photo competition, check out our blog: Octopus Electroverse monthly photo competition for more info!

purple/blue charging lead divider

Using Filters

If you’re looking for a charger in a specific location, we’d suggest searching for the location first. Once the map has transported you to that location, tap open the filters button. Select the relevant filters for your search - socket types, minimum charging points, speeds, and specific networks.

If you’re not picky about which charging network you want to use, but would like it to be accessible via Electroverse, simply filter by the Electroverse only option at the top of the filters tool. You can reset these filters at any time using the ‘Reset all’ option at the top left of the filters box.

You can also make use of the new quick filters just under the search bar. If you need a charger nearby just open up the app and tap to find close-by partnered, rapid, or ultra rapid chargers.

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Add Your EV to the App

Add your EV - either by using your number plate or by searching manually - to access personalised features in the Electroverse app. By adding your EV you can access the route mapper (which will calculate your journey based on EV's battery capacity), and automatically filter out charge points with irrelevant charging connector types.

Purple charging lead divider

Route Mapping

To plan a route via some of our 850,000 chargers across the globe, you’ll first need to add your vehicle to the Electroverse app. The best way to do this is by confirming the licence plate number(s) - this helps us recognise the battery size and capacity, to ensure you don’t run out of charge.

Once added, you’ll be able to select your starting location, destination, desired waypoints, and how much charge you will start and end your journey on. To make your journey even easier, you can send the route to Google and Apple Maps on your phone.

Green/purple charging lead divider

Report an Issue

If you’ve come across an issue with a particular charging station, we’d love for you to report it! Simply tap into the affected charge point pin on the map, scroll to the bottom, and click ‘Report an issue’. This will take you through a few questions to help us narrow the issue down - once we have the necessary details, we’ll either fix it on our end, or pass it along to the charging network that operates the station.

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Charging History and Downloading Receipts

Whether you’re a big fan of stats, or just need a receipt to claim an expense, we’ve got you covered.

To access your charging history, tap the middle button on the toolbar - this will take you through to your previous charges plus some fun info like your lifetime CO2 saved and lifetime charging amount.

To download a receipt, tap into a specific charge and click ‘Download PDF’ down at the bottom of the screen.

UK Oct 24 receipt screen and download
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Adding a Charging Station Photo

EV charging stations come in all shapes and sizes, so you never know what to expect before arriving... until now! Simply tap into a charge point and see what other EV drivers have snapped - you can even enlarge the photo by tapping on the image.

No photos yet? Add one yourself by tapping the 'Add photos' button! Your submission will be reviewed by the Electroverse team - once approved, it will be visible to all Electroverse users.

Purple charging lead divider

How to start a charge using an Electrocard

Using an Electrocard to start a charging session is very easy - just tap and charge. However, if you'd like to see this in action, take a look at our step-by-step video tutorial below.

To find out how to get a hold of your own Electrocard, head to our blog 'How to order an Electrocard and what to expect once you have'.

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How to start a charge using the Electroverse app

Using the Octopus Electroverse app to start a charging session is very easy - just follow the instructions on-screen and charge. However, if you'd like to see this in action, take a look at our step-by-step video tutorial below or check out our blog 'How to charge your car from your phone' for more details.


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