What's your longest journey in an EV - can you share the total mileage?
I was eager to test out making longer journeys and to get over range anxiety. It’s important that I truly believe in what I do 😉. Our first long trip was from London to western and southern France, about 2,000 miles. Last summer, we went even further; to Denmark, through Belgium, the Netherlands, Germany and back through the south of France, over 3,000 miles altogether. We also went up to lock Ness in Scotland last October.
It’s amazing how fast the industry is developing, with charging stations popping up between one trip and another. My previous ‘range anxiety’ has completely disappeared!
Moving to electric has meant some changes to the way we approach travel, with more planning in advance and greater use of digital technology, but I don’t really consider this a constraint anymore. We have accepted that we need to make stops on longer trips, but it breaks up the journey and it’s definitely a plus for safety.
The current electric mobility ecosystem is still improving (data accuracy for availability, number of chargers etc.). I believe this is a small price to pay to retain our freedom of movement whilst curbing CO2 emissions.