April 2023
|Last updated:
February 2025

What to do if an EV charge point is broken or out of order?

zapman holding broken charger

Sometimes things just don’t go as planned; technology isn’t flawless, and EV charging is no different. On the Electroverse app, we aim to let you know in advance whether or not a charger is working and/or available, but as we’re not everywhere, we rely on you (our Electroverse community) to let us know!

So, what do you do when a charge point is broken or isn’t working?

Let’s get plugged in…


Error messages and what they mean

Card not recognised/authorised

If this - or a similar - error message flashes up when you tap your Electrocard (wording may vary to the charge point operator or EV supply equipment), then it’s likely to be a problem with the charge point hardware or a temporary issue within the charger’s network connectivity.

Don’t give up! Give it another go, and if it doesn’t work on your second attempt, then we suggest you contact the charge point operator directly. Find their details on the in-app information tab provided for each charging point.

If the problem recurs on multiple occasions with different networks, please let us know at hello@theelectroverse.com, and we will investigate and replace your card if needed.

Connection failed (in-app charging)

There are a few reasons an error message could appear when you’re attempting an in-app charge:

  1. If the cable disconnected as the charge was attempting to begin - or simply wasn’t plugged in when you started the charge - you will need to re-start the charging process. Disconnect the cable from the car and attempt to commence the session again.

  2. If the cable was connected correctly, please ensure you’re at the correct charging point - often there are multiple charge points in one location, so it’s worth checking that the charger number matches the one on your phone screen.

If you have attempted all of the above and your charge still isn’t starting, contact us via: hello@theelectroverse.com.

If you'd like a refresher on how to use the in-app charging function, check out our blog: How to charge your car... from your phone!

information icon

To find out more about the Electroverse app and how it works, check out our blog: How to use the Electroverse app.

Who is best to contact when something goes wrong?

Electroverse does not own or operate any charger on our network; however, we will try to help where we can!

When you report an issue with a charge point on the app, we pass this information on to the relevant charge point operator (CPO) and use this information to advise other Electroverse users.

How to report it in-app?

Step 1:

Select the broken charge point and tap the ‘Report an issue’ button.

Report an issue (in-app charging) screenshot

Step 2:

Tap on the specific issue with the charger and type in further details if necessary.

Report an issue list screenshot

Step 3:

Once you have selected the issue, it will be investigated and passed directly onto the operator if required.

'Thanks' for reporting an issue in the app screenshot

Tap the ‘Done’ button to get back to your original page. The charger status should update almost immediately!

Purple charging lead divider

When to contact Electroverse?

If you’re having issues with the Electroverse app, it’s worth checking the FAQs (Profile > FAQs) in case others have shared your concerns. There’s a lot of great information, so it might be helpful to read ahead of time anyway!

If your question still isn’t answered, contact us via: hello@theelectroverse.com.


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